College Power & Control
Coercion & Threats
- Making and/or carrying out threats to hurt you
- Threatening to transfer or leave school
- Threatening to commit suicide
- Making you do illegal activities
- Forcing you to drink alcohol or use illicit drugs against your will
Emotional Abuse
- Putting you down
- Not letting you study or do assignments
- Keeping you up all night before an exam
- Calling you names
- Making you feel guilty for things that are not your fault
- Deleting contacts from your phone/email
- Keeping you from roommates, family, and friends
- Stopping you from joining organizations or clubs
- Encouraging you stay with him/her over breaks
- Using jealousy to justify his/her actions
- Making you afraid by using looks, actions, and gestures
- Destroying your books, work, computer, etc.
- Displaying weapons
- Sharing plans to harm you/others, threatening pets/children
Minimizing, Denying, & Blaming
- Blames you for the abuse ("if you wouldn't....I wouldn't hit you")
- Denies abuse is taking place
- Minimizes extent of abuse ("I don't hit you, that's real abuse, not yelling")
Using Technology
- Demanding passwords to online accounts
- Texting/calling you constantly
- Monitoring your social network sites
- Using tracking systems, GPS, and/or spyware to monitor your activity
Economic Abuse
- Controlling how you spend your money
- Having you pay his/her tuition, rent, etc.
- Controlling your financial aid, personal income, flex, meal plans, CrimsonCash, etc.
Gender Privilege
- Treating you like you are inferior or his/her subordinate
- Making all the big decisions
- Defining and requiring rigid gender roles