Good Samaritan Protocol

Student health and safety are a primary concern at the University of Arizona. Under the protocol, students and/or organizations that seek assistance for the safety of themselves or others should do so without fear of university disciplinary sanctions.
This includes University alcohol, other drug, and hazing policies that are within our purview.
Students are expected to contact the University of Arizona police or a Resident Assistant when they believe that assistance is needed for an intoxicated/impaired student or experiencing a medical emergency.
Examples where the Good Samaritan approach will benefit you and your friends:
A student is reluctant to call an ambulance when a friend becomes unconscious following excessive consumption because the reporting student is under the age of 21 and was also consuming alcohol or other illegal drugs.
A student is reluctant to report that they were sexually assaulted because they had consumed alcohol or other illegal drugs and are under the age of 21.
A student is reluctant to call an ambulance when another student becomes ill or unconscious following excessive consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs at a fraternity/sorority or student organization party, new member event or initiation because the reporting student is afraid that their organization or, they themselves, will get in trouble.
A residence hall student is reluctant to call the RA on duty in a situation when another resident is dangerously intoxicated because they were also violating the residence hall alcohol or drug policy and fear they could face residence hall sanctions.
This protocol does not preclude disciplinary action regarding other violations of the Student Code of Conduct or the policies and procedures such as causing or threatening physical harm, sexual abuse, damage to property, harassment, etc. Students should also be aware that this protocol does not prevent action by local and state authorities for alcohol or other illegal drugs.
In serious or life-threatening situations, particularly where alcohol poisoning or a drug overdose is suspected or where other medical treatment is reasonably believed to be appropriate, students are asked to take the following steps:
- Call 911!
- Stay with the person needing assistance until help arrives.
- Be prepared to give the emergency medical personnel as much information as possible including the amount and type of alcohol or substances consumed.
- University officials will record names of intoxicated students to enable any follow-up that may be deemed necessary to ensure students’ well-being. Other information may also be recorded to enable any other necessary follow-up.
If a student is so intoxicated, they are unable to be awakened, letting that person “sleep it off” is not a reasonable alternative to getting help!
- The Dean of Students Office first evaluates the situation to determine if the Good Samaritan Protocol applies.
- If the situation qualifies, students involved are required to meet with a staff member.
- The staff member, after evaluating the situation, may also refer the student to a substance abuse specialist for assessment, counseling, and/or referral for treatment.
- Students who are referred but fail to meet and complete the recommendations in their entirety may be subject to additional requirements after an opportunity to meet with a staff member from the Dean of Students Office.
The health and safety of students is of primary concern at the University of Arizona; therefore, in cases of intoxication, drug use and/or alcohol poisoning, or related hazing, the institution encourages and expects students to seek medical attention for themselves or others. Recognizing that the potential for legal and University disciplinary actions is a factor that may deter students from making responsible decisions, the University has instituted the University of Arizona Good Samaritan Program (UAGoodSam).
The University of Arizona Good Samaritan (UAGoodSam) Program applies to all students and recognized student organizations at the University of Arizona, and is applicable to:
- A student in need of medical attention and/or being cared for by another person.
- A student seeking medical help for or providing assistance for a student or individual.
The UAGoodSam Program pertains to incidents that occur on the University of Arizona campus, on the premises of a recognized student organization, or at a function sponsored by a recognized student organization.
In circumstances involving a recognized student organization, the willingness of the members involved in seeking medical assistance for a member or guest will be viewed as a mitigating factor in the review process for any potential violations of the ABOR Student Code of Conduct or criminal action(s}.
In an effort to ensure medical treatment or care is sought for students experiencing and/or supporting a peer in serious and immediate risk of harm due to intoxication, drug use and/or potential alcohol poisoning, the University has adopted this protocol.
The involved students may be exempt from an ABOR Student Code of Conduct disciplinary sanction and criminal action related to the alcohol offense; however, the student (and possibly the reporting student} will be required to meet with a designee of the Dean of Students Office, who may issue an educational requirement such as an education intervention program (i.e., Campus Health Service's SHADE Program), with the student incurring the associated costs.
- An individual or group in situations resulting in serious physical injury or death.
- An individual contacted by a law enforcement agency other than UAPD, unless that agency works for the University of Arizona.
- An individual who is operating a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs and attempting to seek medical treatment or care for an individual.
- An individual or organization that has knowingly provided or facilitated the consumption of alcohol by under-age individuals.
- An individual who has committed other criminal offenses in association with the alcohol or drug related incident.
When a UAGoodSam incident occurs, and either the University of Arizona Police Department or Department of Housing & Residential Life is notified, the names of the individuals are documented in the respective departments' reports with a short synopsis of the incident. The reports are forwarded to the Dean of Students Office for follow-up with the involved students related to an educational requirement.
The University reserves the option to extend multiple exemptions under exceptional circumstances.
A student who fails to comply with the educational requirement is subject to sanctions from the Dean of Students Office, under the ABOR Student Code of Conduct.
"University" means the University of Arizona Police Department, the Dean of Students Office, and the Department of Housing & Residential Life.
"Underage" means an individual under 21 years of age at the time of the incident.
"ABOR" means the Arizona Board of Regents, the governing board for the state's public universities: Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona.
"SHADE Program" means Student Health Alcohol Drug Education Program
"Illegal Drugs" includes, but is not limited to, marijuana, opioids, stimulants, club drugs, dissociative drugs, hallucinogens, anabolic steroids, inhalants, etc.
“Hazing” means intentionally, knowingly or recklessly, for the purpose of preinitiation activities, pledging, initiating, holding office, admitting or affiliating a minor or student into or with an organization or for the purpose of continuing, reinstating or enhancing a minor's or student's membership or status in an organization, causes, coerces or forces a minor or student to engage in or endure any of the following:1. Sexual humiliation or brutality, including forced nudity or an act of sexual penetration, or both2. Conduct or conditions, including physical or psychological tactics, that are reasonably calculated to cause severe mental distress to the minor or student, including activities that are reasonably calculated to cause the minor or student to harm themselves or others.3. The consumption of any food, nonalcoholic liquid, alcoholic liquid, drug, or other substance that poses a substantial risk of death, physical injury, or emotional harm.4. An act of restraint, confinement in a small space or significant sleep deprivation.5. Conduct or conditions that violate a federal or state criminal law and that pose a substantial risk of death or physical injury. 6. Physical brutality or any other conduct or conditions that pose a substantial risk of death or physical injury, including whipping, beating, paddling, branding, electric shocking, placing harmful substances on the body, excessive exercise or calisthenics or unhealthy exposure to the elements.
Q: Does this apply to drugs as well?
A: Yes. The University’s goal is to prevent alcohol and drug related harm. Medical help should be sought out to protect a student’s health, whether alcohol or other illegal drugs have been consumed. For example, opioids are now responsible for a large percentage of overdose deaths and are therefore included in the protocol.
Q: Does this mean if an individual or group purchases or serves alcohol to underage individuals they can't get in trouble?
A: NO, all clubs/organizations are responsible for following the laws of the State of Arizona. Illegal activity, such as knowingly providing or purchasing alcohol and serving it to minors are subject to administrative and criminal sanctions.
Q: Is UAPD the only law enforcement agency eligible to use this protocol?
A: YES, however, other agencies working for the UAPD on University property may use the protocol.
Q: Can Housing & Residential Life use this protocol?
Q: What about cases where the person calling for the medical assistance provided the alcohol, and the victim suffers serious physical injury or death? Is the individual exempt?
Q: Who determines if someone is intoxicated or "impaired?"
A: UAPD personnel are trained to identify impairment, as well as emergency medical personnel.
Q: How many exemptions does an individual get from this protocol?
A: This is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Q: Does this take away discretion from Housing & Residential Life and UAPD?
A: NO. This protocol is intended to help ensure individuals are never afraid to call for assistance for police, fire, or medical assistance. Depending on the circumstances, the officer or Housing & Residential Life member has discretion.