Title IX, Policies, Reporting & Resources

Title IX, Policies, Reporting & Resources


No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

~ Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972 to the 1964 Civil Rights Act

Our Commitment

The University of Arizona is committed to providing a safe and positive living, learning, and working environment. The University has a responsibility to ensure that all students, staff, faculty, and visitors can enjoy the benefits and opportunities the University has to offer in an environment free from discrimination on the basis of sex, including sexual assault and sexual harassment, stalking, rape, acquaintance rape, domestic violence, and/or dating violence.

The University utilizes a variety of approaches to prevent and redress sex discrimination. We realize that individual community members who are affected in some way by sex discrimination may benefit from many sources of support and assistance. As part of our commitment to support all individuals in our community, we share the following compilation of resources and information.

Mary Beth Tucker
Vice President, Equity and Title IX

The Process

The University of Arizona has equitable procedures in place to promptly, thoroughly and fairly address concerns and complaints of harassment or discrimination while being mindful of the rights and unique needs of all parties and of due process.

Both parties have an opportunity to meet with an investigator to present their perspectives, and provide witnesses or information, to bring an advisor to the meeting and to ask questions and seek clarification.  Parties rights and the procedures related to investigation and decision-making are found in the Interim Procedures for Formal Complaints of Title IX Sexual Harassment.  To review the Arizona’s Nondiscrimination and Anti-harassment policy and the Procedures please visit: https://equity.arizona.edu/policies-procedures

The Interim Procedures provide information on supportive measures, interim actions, as well as the range of discipline and available remedies. For additional information please visit equity.arizona.edu.

Interim Additional Protocols for Student Disciplinary Proceedings Involving Sex Discrimination Under ABOR Policy 5-403


Reporting Options

Anyone who has witnessed, knows about, or has experienced sexual harassment or other sex discrimination is encouraged to seek help and report the concerns – the sooner, the better. There are a number of ways to report concerns and to get information, assistance, and resources.

Retaliation of any kind against individuals who report concerns or who participate in an investigative process is prohibited.

Reporting Resources

Criminal Complaints and Reports

University of Arizona Police Department
911 (emergency, on campus)
(520) 621-8273 (non-emergency)

Tucson Police Department
911 (emergency, off campus)
(520) 791-5700

University Complaints and Reports

Office of Institutional Equity
(520) 621-9449

Confidential Reports

Counseling and Psych Services (at Campus Health)
On-campus confidential reporting and counseling options
(520) 621-3334

Survivor Advocacy
Provides confidential support and advocacy services to student survivors of sexual and gender-based violence.

Ombuds: All Ombuds Committee members, when acting in their capacity as Ombuds, are designated as confidential. 