Students have the choice to share some or all of their FERPA-protected information with parents and guests. FERPA authorization to release information forms are required for information to be shared. Please note that there are two types of forms. The Dean of Students FERPA is for information relating to disciplinary records whereas the Registrar's FERPA is for information relating to academics.
FERPA Form - Dean of Students Consent to Release Information
Notice of Advisor/Attorney Form
FERPA Form - Registrar's Authorization for Release of Information (E-form on UAccess)
Activity's Excuse/Excused Absence for Group of Students
An Activity’s Excuse (formerly known as a Dean's Excuse) provides excused absences for university-sponsored events/activities for academic, non-academic, and recognized student organizations. Please email the dean's excuses to
Not sure whether you qualify for an activity's excuse? Check out this infographic to learn more!